[en] The Blue Cliff Record Shambhala
[en] Secret of the Golden Flower HarperOne
[en] Training the Samurai Mind · A Bushido Sourcebook Shambhala Publications, Inc.
[en] The Book of Leadership and Strategy Shambhala
[en] Soul of the Samurai Tuttle Publishing
[en] The Flower Ornament Scripture Shambhala
[en] Ways of Warriors, Codes of Kings Shambhala
[en] Secrets of Tantric Buddhism Weiser Books
[en] Samurai Wisdom Tuttle Publishing
[en] The Zen Reader Shambhala
[en] Pocket Taoist Wisdom Shambhala
[zh] 五轮书 -(日本剑圣宫本武藏,融合了日本剑道、武士道、禅道等文化精神,对其一生决战经历的临终总结) A Book of Five Rings (Chinese Edition) ZHE JIANG PUBLISHING UNITED GROUP
[en] Training the Samurai Mind Shambhala Publications
[en] The Art of War Shambhala Publications
[en] Zen in the Pure Land UNKNOWN