[en] [Wynne 01] • The Survival Game Usborne
[en] [Wynne 01] • A Thief in the House of Memory Groundwood Books
[en] The Emperor of Any Place Candlewick Press
[en] The Starlight Claim Candlewick Press
[en] The Ruinous Sweep Candlewick Press
[en] The Boy in the Burning House Groundwood Books
[en] A Thief in the House of Memory Groundwood Books Ltd.
[en] The Maestro Groundwood Books
[en] Blink & Caution Candlewick Press
[en] The Uninvited Candlewick Press
[en] Some of the Kinder Planets Puffin Books
[en] [Rex Zero 02] • Rex Zero, King of Nothing Groundwood Books