[en] Literature and Revolution Haymarket Books
[en] Trotsky on Lenin Haymarket Books
[en] [History of the Russian Revolution 01] • History of the Russian Revolution Haymarket Books
[en] [Gutenberg 40273] • The Bolsheviki and World Peace University Press of the Pacific
[es] El programa de transición Fontamara
[es] 1905 Resultados y perspectivas ePubLibre
[en] Lessons of October Haymarket Books
[en] Towards Socialism or Capitalism? (Routledge Revivals), First Edition TaylorFrancis
[en] Marxism and Anarchism Wellred Books
[en] The Revolution Betrayed Dover Publications
[en] Where Is Britain Going? (Routledge Revivals) Routledge
[en] Terrorism and Communism Verso