Found 94 books

[en] Upton Sinclair · The Moneychangers CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Sinclair, Upton

[en] The Jungle · Penguin Classics Penguin Group (USA)

Sinclair, Upton & Gottesman, Ronald

[en] [Gutenberg 63693] • Mental Radio Hampton Roads Publishing

Sinclair, Upton

[en] Jimmie Higgins Sovereign Classic

Upton Sinclair

[en] I, Candidate for Governor · And How I Got Licked University of California Press

Sinclair, Upton

[en] The Coal War Open Road Media

Sinclair, Upton

[en] Oil Penguin Books

Sinclair, Upton

[en] The Profits of Religion Prometheus Books

Sinclair, Upton

[en] The Millennium Seven Stories Press

Upton Sinclair

[en] Boston Open Road Media

Sinclair, Upton