[en] Lovecraft Annual, No. 1 Hippocampus Press
[en] Lovecraft and Influence Scarecrow Press
[de] Faszination Science Fiction Bastei-Verlag Gustav H. Lübbe GmbH & Co., Bergisch Gladbach (Band 24068), 1985
[es] Trasplante obligatorio ePubLibre
[es] Órbita de alucinación ePubLibre
[de] Die 7 Todsünden der Science Fiction Moewig Taschenbuchverlag Rastatt/Playboy Taschenbuch Nr. 6738, 1984
[en] Murder Most Foul Mystery Writers of America
[en] Asimov Fantasies · Ghosts Barnes & Noble Books
[en] Computer Crimes and Capers (1983) Anthology Penguin Books
[en] The Twelve Crimes of Christmas Avon
[en] Computer Crimes & Capers Academy Chicago Publishers
[it] Computer Crimes and Capers Academy Chicago Publishers
[en] Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries Walker & Company
[en] [Holmes for the Holidays 02] • More Holmes for the Holidays Berkley Trade
[en] [Holmes for the Holidays 01] • Holmes for the Holidays Berkley Trade
[en] Time Warps
[en] Sherlock Holmes Through Time and Space Bluejay Books
[en] The Seven Deadly Sins of Science Fiction Fawcett
[en] [World of Warcraft Chronicle 02] • World of Warcraft 2 Dark Horse Comics