[en] Midnight Thirsts · Erotic Tales of the Vampire Kensington
[en] The Web and The Root HarperCollins e-books
[en] You Can't Go Home Again Scribner
[en] Of Time and the River Scribner
[en] Look Homeward, Angel Scribner
[fr] L'Ange Exilé L'Age d'Homme
[es] Del tiempo y el río ePubLibre
[en] The Party at Jack's University of North Carolina Press
[fr] El Nen Perdut Viena Edicions
[es] Especulación Periférica
[es] El Niño Perdido Periférica
[es] Una Puerta Que Nunca Encontré Periférica
[es] Hermana Muerte Editorial Periférica
[es] El Ángel Que Nos Mira Valdemar
[es] Tengo Algo Que Deciros Noguer y Caralt
[es] Del Tiempo Y El Río Piel de Zapa
[es] Del Tiempo yY El Río www.papyrefb2.net
[en] The Web and the Rock Louisiana State University Press
[en] The Wildside Book of Fantasy · 20 Great Tales of Fantasy Wildside Press
Wolfe, Gene & Lee, Tanith & Hoffman, Nina Kiriki & Swann, Thomas Burnett & Jackson, Clive & Filippo, Paul di & Leiber, Fritz & Howard, Robert E. & Watt-Evans, Lawrence & Betancourt, John Gregory & Smith, Clark Ashton & Carter, Lin & Price, E. Hoffmann & Schwetizer, Darrell & Stableford, Brian & Abdullah, Achmed & McNaughton, Brian