[en] February Flowers Washington Square Press
[en] Beautiful as Yesterday Atria Books
[it] Difendere la Terra di Mezzo ODOYA
[en] Monkey King · Journey to the West Penguin Group
[en] White Horse Flatiron Books
[en] The Probability of Miracles Razorbill
[en] Loki's Child Castalia House
[en] [Wars of Light and Shadow 05] • Grand Conspiracy HarperVoyager
[en] [Paksenarrion #5.6 - Gifts 01] • Child of Prophecy Baen Books
[en] Being Conchita John Blake Publishing Ltd
[en] More, Now, Again · A Memoir of Addiction Simon & Schuster
[en] The Movie Version Harry N. Abrams
[de] [Fatima 02] • Das Rätsel der Fatima Weltbild Verlag
[de] Football Leaks Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt