[en] Powerhouse Flies Again Adam Graham
[en] Tales of the Dim Knight Adam Graham
[en] [Mythic Lives 02] • Lewi's Legacy Graham Adams
[en] The S'mores Cookbook Adams Media
[en] Nightmare Magazine, Issue 99 (December 2020) Adamant Press
[en] Kids' Treats Adams Media
[en] The 25 Habits of Highly Successful Investors Adams Media
[en] The Civilized Guide to Tabletop Gaming Adams Media
[en] [Political Royalty 01] • Knight Evelyn Adams
[fr] Le Voyage Extracorporel · Une Approche Novatrice Éditions AdA
[fr] Le Voyage Extracorporel Éditions AdA
[en] [NUMA Files 10] • The Storm - Graham Brown Putnam Adult
[en] Hitler's Peace Putnam Adult