[en] Tookan Attack Alex Paul
[en] [Gutenberg 36867] • Progress Report Alex Apostolides
[en] [Hilda the Wicked Witch 13] • The House Alexandria Publishing Group
[en] [Gutenberg 29614] • The Game of Rat and Dragon Library of Alexandria
[nl] [Gutenberg 14826] • Mythen en Legenden van Egypte Library of Alexandria
[it] Uccidi Paul Breitner Edizioni Alegre
[pt] Star Wars - Lordes Dos Sith Editora Aleph
[en] Keep Forever Alexa Kingaard
[hu] Vadak birodalma Alexandra
[hu] A legszebb nap Alexandra
[hu] Bosszúhadjárat Alexandra
[hu] Vadak birodalma Alexandra Kiadó
[hu] Boasszúhadjárat Alexandra
[fr] [La vengeance des dieux 01] • Chasse À L'Homme - Tome 1 Alexandriz
[pt] Brás, Bexiga E Barra Funda Nova Alexandria
[fr] [Brother Cadfael 01] • L'Apprenti Du Diable Alexandriz
[fr] [La vengeance des dieux 02] • La Divine Adoratrice - Tome 2 Alexandriz
[en] [Gutenberg 42492] • Lady Eureka; or, The Mystery: A Prophecy of the Future. Volume 2 Library of Alexandria