[en] [Gutenberg 22599] • The Hindu-Arabic Numerals BOSTON AND LONDON GINN AND COMPANY
[en] Chapters of Erie · and other essays Boston : J.R. Osgood and Company
[en] [Gutenberg 41831] • Betty Leicester's Christmas Boston and New York : Houghton Mifflin and Company
[en] The age of Jackson Boston, Little, Brown and Company
[en] The Faber Book of Pop London ; Boston : Faber and Faber
[en] The Misadventure of Shelrock Holmes Boston, Little, Brown and company
[en] Elite Deviance · 3rd Edition Boston ; London : Allyn and Bacon
[en] The Cross of Carl Little, Brown, and Company, Boston
[en] [Gutenberg 55718] • The Land of Enchantment: From Pike's Peak to the Pacific Boston, Little, Brown, and company
[en] [Gutenberg 59920] • The Little Gods: A Masque of the Far East Boston : Little, Brown, and Company
[en] [Gutenberg 48418] • Susan Boston, J.W. Luce and Company, inc.
[en] [Gutenberg 52782] • Aaron in the Wildwoods Boston, New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company
[en] [Gutenberg 51073] • Little Almond Blossoms: A Book of Chinese Stories for Children Little, Brown and Company, Boston
[en] [Gutenberg 39279] • Mysterious Psychic Forces / An Account of the Author's Investigations in Psychical Research, Together with Those of Other European Savants Boston, Small, Maynard and company
[en] [Gutenberg 61141] • The Weird Picture Boston: Little, Brown, and Company
[en] [Gutenberg 40535] • They Who Knock at Our Gates: A Complete Gospel of Immigration Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin company
[en] Four years with the Army of the Potomac Boston, Ticknor and company
[en] Dead before docking Boston Little, Brown, and Company
[en] [Gutenberg 43051] • Up the Mazaruni for Diamonds Boston : Marshall Jones company
[en] [Gutenberg 49745] • The Young Deliverers of Pleasant Cove / The Pleasant Cove Series Boston, Lee and Shepard; New York, Lee, Shepard and Dillingham