[en] On the Nature of Marx's Things Fordham UP
[en] An Atmospherics of the City: Baudelaire and the Poetics of Noise Fordham UP
[en] Negative Ecstasies Fordham UP
[en] The Rose Man of Sing Sing Fordham UP
[en] The Pleasures of Memory Fordham UP
[en] Clint Eastwood and Issues of American Masculinity Fordham UP
[en] Brooklyn Is Fordham UP
[en] Being Brains: Making the Cerebral Subject Fordham UP
[en] Maurice Blanchot Fordham UP
[en] Thinking With Adorno: The Uncoercive Gaze Fordham UP
[en] Literature and the Remains of the Death Penalty Fordham UP
[en] Husserl: German Perspectives Fordham UP
[en] Modernity's Mist Fordham UP
[en] The Muses on Their Lunch Hour Fordham UP
[en] The Humanities and Public Life Fordham UP
[en] Apocalypse-Cinema Fordham University Press