Found 252 books

[en] Sex Work in Colonial Egypt I.B. Tauris

Biancani;, Francesca

[en] The State of Secrecy I. B. Tauris & Company, Limited

Norton-Taylor, Richard;

[en] The Ornament of Histories: a History of the Eastern Islamic Lands AD 650-1041 I. B. Tauris

Bosworth, C. Edmund;Bosworth, C. Edmund;Bosworth, C. Edmund;

[en] Freedom and Vengeance on Film I.B. Tauris

Watkins, Robert E.

[en] The Films of Claire Denis I. B. Tauris

Vecchio, Marjorie & Wenders, Wim

[en] Fashion in European Art I.B. Tauris

Young, Justine De

[en] The Water Crisis in Yemen I. B. Tauris

Ward, Christopher

[en] The Horse in the Ancient World I.B. Tauris

Willekes, Carolyn

[en] Mischka's War I.B. Tauris

War, Mischka's

[en] The Twin Horse Gods I. B. Tauris

Walker, Henry John

[en] Iran and Pakistan I. B. Tauris