[en] [Southern Rockers 02] • Southern Rocker Chick Ivy Lane Media, LLC.
[en] [Master's Saga 01] • Masters for Hire Ivy Lane Media, LLC
[en] [Master's Saga 03] • Masters Forever Ivy Lane Media, LLC.
[en] The Luck of the Irish (In Love) Ivy Lane Media, LLC.
[en] Masked in the Music Ivy Lane Media, LLC
[en] Groupie/Rock Star Bundle Ivy Lane Media, LLC.
[en] Glitter on the Web Ivy Lane Media, LLC
[en] Enraptured (The Fullerton Family Saga) Ivy Lane Media, LLC.
[en] [Fullerton Family Saga 03] • Enraptured Ivy Lane Media, LLC.
[en] Into the Dustbin · Rajendra Pachauri, the Climate Report & the Nobel Peace Prize Ivy Avenue Press
[en] Light My Fire - DeMarco 04 (2004) Ivy Books
[en] The Kiss List Monster Ivy Publishing
[en] Lovers and Liars Ivy Books