[en] [Aragnokan Mates 04] • Mated To The Monster M. L. Smith
[en] Kalon (Take Over) T.L Smith
[en] [Dilemma 02] • Pure Punishment T.L Smith
[en] Buried in Lies T.L Smith
[en] Cocky Fiancé T.L Smith
[en] [Take Over 02] • Kalon T.L Smith
[en] [Shade 3.50] • Shattered S. L. Smith (self publishing)
[en] [Dark Intentions Duet 02] • Sinister Love T.L Smith
[en] [Dark Intentions Duet 01] • Distorted Love T.L Smith
[en] [Glenda at Large 0.10] • Dead and Breakfast L & L Dreamspell
[fr] Réponse à Stephen Hawking · De la physique à la science-fiction (Métaphysique au quotidien) Editions L'Harmattan
[en] Creix un arbre a Brooklyn L'Altra editorial
[en] Colin'sConquest L&L Dreamspell
[fr] Papyrus medical Edwin Smith Editions L'Harmattan
[en] Unparalleled Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
[en] [Gutenberg 45398] • The Girls of Friendly Terrace; or, Peggy Raymond's Success L.C. Page & Company
[en] Love on Fire E. L. Todd