Found 17 books

[en] Stranger at the Door NightHawk Books

[en] The Devil Flower NightHawk Books

Enriquez, Emigdio Alvarez

[en] Murder of a Missing Man NightHawk Books

[en] The Meriwether Mystery NightHawk Books

Strahan, Kay Cleaver

[en] I Love Her, That’s Why! NightHawk Books

[en] The Case of the Unhappy Angels NightHawk Books

Homes, Geoffrey & Mainwaring, Daniel

[en] There Was a Crooked Man NightHawk Books

Yates, George Worthing

[en] The Whistling Legs NightHawk Books

McDougald, Roman

[en] The Parachute Murder NightHawk Books

Mitchell, Lebbeus

[en] Twenty Minutes to Kill NightHawk Books

[en] Murder in Wax NightHawk Books

[en] The Fall Guy NightHawk Books

[en] Death on the Waterfront NightHawk Books

Archer, Robert

[en] The Desert Lake Mystery NightHawk Books

Strahan, Kay Cleaver

[en] The Back-seat Murder NightHawk Books

Landon, Herman