[en] Triumph Over Tragedy Terrene Press
Kaelin, R.T. & Bear, Elizabeth & Lawrence, Mark & Stackpole, Michael A. & Sullivan, Michael J. & Bradley, Marion Zimmer & Rabe, Jean & Novy, Rick & Marmell, Ari & Silverberg, Robert & Gates, Jaym & Tchaikovsky, Adrian & Johnson-Steger, Vicki & Drake, Maxwell Alexander & Bledsoe, Alex & Sullivan, Stephen D. & Gray, T.L. & Schmidt, Bryan Thomas & Bingle, Donald J. & Bie, Erik Scott de & Marks, C.S. & Buckell, Tobias S. & Beaulieu, Bradley P. & Saus, Steven & Wilson, Gregory A. & Shvartsman, Alex & King, Addie J. & Bone, Matt & Stever, Doris & Allen, Marian & Hans, Sarah & Rogers, Rob & Marquitz, Tim & Waters, Elisabeth & Spendlove, Janine & Henderson, C.J. & Athans, Philip & Chowdhury, Tracy & Young, Bryan & Blooding, S.M. & Zahn, Timothy
[en] Triumph Over Tragedy · an Anthology for the Victims of Hurricane Sandy Terrene Press
[en] [The Children of the White Lions 01] • Progeny Terrene Press
[en] [The Children of the White Lions 02] • Prophecy Terrene Press
[en] Pacific Rimming Terrestrial Press
[fr] Les joies éphémères de Percy Darling Les Deux Terres
[fr] [Kay Scarpetta 18] • Havre des Morts Editions des Deux Terres