[en] [Commonwealth Universe - Modern Era - Sunsinger 03] • Dead World Writers Exchange E-Publishing
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[en] [Commonwealth Universe - Modern Era - Sunsinger 04] • The Lady and the Order Writers Exchange E-Publishing
[en] [Commonwealth Universe - Modern Era - Sunsinger 02] • Spacer's Creed Writers Exchange E-Publishing
[en] [Commonwealth Universe - Modern Era - Sunsinger 01] • Sunsinger Writers Exchange E-Publishing
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[en] Stretched Horizons Writers Exchange E-Publishing
[en] [Capital Bound 01] • The Lion's Roar Writers Exchange E-Publishing
[en] [A Ring Realms Novel 01] • Darrell Bain & Willard Stafford Writers Exchange E-Publishing
[en] [Shadows of Mallachrom 01] • Blue Fire Writers Exchange E-Publishing
[en] Lion of Scythia Writers Exchange E-Publishing
[en] [Scythian Trilogy 02] • The Golden King Writers Exchange E-Publishing
[en] [The Fall of the House of Ramesses 02] • Seti Writers Exchange E-Publishing
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[en] [The Fall of the House of Ramesses 01] • Merenptah Writers Exchange E-Publishing
[en] [The Amarnan Kings 02] • Scarab - Smenkhkare Writers Exchange E-Publishing