[en] Philosophy · All That Matters Granta Books
[pt] A Soma De Tudo Rocco
[pt] A Morte de Ivan Ilitch - Edição Exclusiva Amazon Antofágica
[pt] A Mentalidade Anticapitalista Instituto Ludwig von Mises Brasil
[pt] Comer Animais Rocco
[pt] O Caibalion · Edição Definitiva E Comentada Pensamento
[pt] A sabedoria da antiga cosmologia Vide Editorial
[en] [All That Matters 01] • Existentialism · All That Matters Teach Yourself
[en] [Library of Arabic Literature 01] • A Treasury of Virtues New York University Press
[en] [Why Darwin Matters 01] • Why Darwin Matters Times Books
[en] The Ultimate Ambition in the Arts of Erudition Penguin Classics
[en] The World According to Physics Princeton University Press
[en] Everything Is Here to Help You Hay House, Inc.
[en] Against Equality of Opportunity (Oxford Philosophical Monographs) Oxford University Press, USA
[en] Mass, The quest to understand matter from Greek atoms to quantum fields Oxford University Press, USA