[en] [Gutenberg 59489] • Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne, 1812-1813 Brookite Publishing
[fr] [Gutenberg 38548] • L'abbé Sicard / célèbre instituteur des sourds-muets, successeur immédiat de l'abbé de l'Épée Charles Douniol et Cie , Libraires-
[en] [Gutenberg 7306] • Autobiographic Sketches University of Michigan Library
[en] [Gutenberg 43607] • Builders of United Italy Createspace
[it] [Gutenberg 7817] • Alessandro Manzoni, Studio Biografico / Letture fatte alla Taylorian Institution di Oxford nel maggio dell'anno 1878, notevolmente ampliate Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] [Gutenberg 34876] • The 'Blackwood' Group Wentworth Press
[en] [Gutenberg 739] • Henry Clay's Remarks in House and Senate Public Domain Books
[en] [Gutenberg 39975] • Audubon and his Journals, Volume 1 (of 2) Andesite Press