[en] [Gutenberg 3826] • Rise of the New West, 1819-1829 IndyPublish.com
[fr] [Gutenberg 32963] • Portraits et souvenirs Hachette Livre Bnf
[fr] [Gutenberg 38150] • Lettres intimes Hachette Livre Bnf
[fr] [Gutenberg 35825] • Les grotesques de la musique University of Rochester Press
[en] The Autobiography of William Allen White Simon Publications
[en] W.E.B. Du Bois · Biography of a Race, 1868-1919 Turtleback Books
[nl] Ferdinand Huyck
[en] Beloved Sisters and Loving Friends One World/Ballantine
[pt] [The Romanov Sisters 01] • Os últimos dias dos Romanov Editora Record
[en] [Gutenberg 63880] • George Borrow, the Man and His Work Wentworth Press