Found 241 books

[en] [Rosie Winter Mystery 01] • The War Against Miss Winter William Morrow Paperbacks

Miller-Haines, Kathryn

[en] Here Is Your War New York, N.Y. : H. Holt and Co

Pyle, Ernie, 1900-1945

[en] The Red Orchestra New York : Pocket Books

Perrault, Gilles, 1931-

[en] Band of Brothers Simon Media Tie-In edition

Ambrose, Stephen E.

[en] Call of Duty Berkley Hardcover

Compton, Lt Lynn Buck & Compton, Lynn & Brotherton, Marcus

[en] [Honor Bound 03] • Secret honor G.P. Putnam's Sons

Griffin, W.E.B.

[en] [Men at War 06] • Double Agents Putnam Adult

Griffin, W.E.B. & Butterworth-IV, William E.

[en] [Honor Bound 05] • The Honor of Spies Jove Books

Griffin, W. E. B & Butterworth-IV, William E.

[en] Deep Down Under Greg Tuck