Found 17 books

[en] The Case of the '61 Chevy Impala Epicenter Press Inc.

[en] The Last Campaign Henry Holt and Co.

Clarke, Thurston

[en] Robert Frost · A biography New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Thompson, Lawrance Roger & Winnick, R.H. & Lathem, Edward Connery

[en] All the Way with JFK · An Alternate History of 1964 Amazon kindle and at Smashwords

Schaefer, F.C.

[en] Prophets of regulation Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press

McCraw, Thomas K.

[pt] Piaf · Uma Vida Knopf

Burke, Carolyn

[pt] O Livro De Jack · Uma Biografia Oral De Jack Kerouac Canongate Books

Gifford, Barry & Lee, Lawrence

[fr] L'oiseau moqueur Calmann-Lévy

[de] Wie Alles Anfing Rotbuch

Baumann, Bommi

[fr] L'État Sauvage Albin Michel

Conchon, Georges