[en] [Alphonso Clay Mysteries of the Civil War 02] • Battle Cry of Freedom Fireship Press
[en] [Ty Dawson 01] • South California Purples Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller
[en] [Ty Dawson 02] • Fistful of Rain Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller
[uk] Лис та виноград / The Fox And The Grapes Dino Lingo
[uk] Лев, ведмідь та лис / The Lion, The Bear, And The Fox Dino Lingo
[uk] Мураха та коник-стрибунець / The Ant And The Grasshopper Dino Lingo
[uk] Ведмідь вчить лисицю / The Bear Teaches The Fox Dino Lingo
[en] The Big Think Book Oneworld Publications
[de] [Gutenberg 9950] • Abhandlungen über die Fabel Echo Library
[en] [Gutenberg 15383] • The Photoplay / A Psychological Study Routledge
[en] [Gutenberg 21] • Aesop's Fables / Translated by George Fyler Townsend Oxford University Press
[en] [Gutenberg 28] • Aesop's Fables Oxford University Press
[en] The Sense of Beauty Transaction
[en] A fiery peace in a cold war: Bernard Schriever and the ultimate weapon Random House, Inc.
[en] Of Jews and Animals Edinburgh UP
[en] St. Matthew Passion CornellUP