[en] An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic Book Tree
[en] Queen Victoria Sheba Blake Publishing
[en] Martha and the Slave Catchers Seven Stories Press/Triangle Square
[en] Mordechai Anielewicz Seven Stories Press
[en] Atty at Law Seven Stories Press
[en] Atty at Law Triangle Square
[en] Adventures of Pine Forest Camping Aunt Lily
[en] Black's Opal (Crystal Cave Adventures, #3) Giverny Press
[en] 300 Toughest Riddles and Brain Teasers for Kids AMANDA B.
[en] A Series of Unfortunate Events #9: The Carnivorous Carnival HarperCollins Publishers
[sv] Percy Jackson och de grekiska gudarna Bonnier Carlsen
[en] [Duke & Michel 02] • The Mysterious Corridor Elias Zapple
[en] [Monstacademy 01] • The Machu Picchu Mystery Green Monkey Press
[en] Body Swap--Book 1 CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] WOT 01 · the Eye of the World Demco Media
[en] [The Wheel of Time #1 pt. 2/2 01] • To the Blight · The Eye of the World Turtleback Books