Found 42 books

[en] Somebody's Secrets L.J. Breedlove

L.J. Breedlove

[en] Nothing Gold Can Stay Gere Donovan Press

[nl] A fine and bitter snow New York : St. Martin's Minotaur, 2002.

[nl] A taint in the blood New York : St. Martin's Paperbacks, 2005.

[nl] A grave denied New York : St. Martin's Minotaur, 2003.

[nl] A cold-blooded business Berkley Prime Crime, c1994.

[nl] A deeper sleep New York : St. Martin's ; 2008.

[en] [Coast Guard 01] • Blindfold Game St. Martin's Paperbacks

Stabenow, Dana

[en] Restless in the Grave Macmillan

[nl] A cold day for murder New York : Berkley Prime Crime, 1993, c1992.