[en] Religion, Institutions and Society in Ancient Rome Collège de France
[en] The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion With No Name St. Martin's Publishing Group
[en] The Celtic and Scandinavian Religions Chicago Review Press
[en] Sacred Number and the Lords of Time · the Stone Age Invention of Science and Religion Inner Traditions
[en] Light and Darkness in Ancient Greek Myth and Religion Lexington Books
[it] Ipazia. La vera storia Rizzoli
[en] Christ in Egypt · The Horus-Jesus Connection Stellar House Publishing, LLC
[it] Il Mondo Tardo Antico. Da Marco Aurelio a Maometto Einaudi
[en] Destroyer of the Gods · Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World Baylor University Press
[en] Early Christian Writings · The Apostolic Fathers Penguin
[en] [Love and Warfare 01] • For Life or Until Not Avail
[en] To Deceive an Empire · Love and Warfare Series Book 3 Cave Books
[en] The Birth of Christianity HarperOne
[it] L'eroe dai mille volti Lindau