[it] Chi comanda in Italia goWare
[en] Beautiful Disaster C.J.
[en] The Beginning of the End Sudden Insight Publishing
[en] When Zombies Attack Adam Mortimer
[es] Traición a la media luna Javier de Diego
[es] Turismo de riesgo Enxebrebooks
[es] Ni en 1000 Años
[en] [The Infinity Trilogy 01] • Grandfather Elsa's Shelf
[en] [Plague Wars 0.50] • The Eden Plague David VanDyke
[en] [Armageddon 01] • Cristal - Novella Smashwords Edition
[en] Aquapocalypse Smashwords
[en] [Samantha Scott 03] • Six Eternal Press
[en] America the Dead Book Two · the Road to Somewhere Smashwords Edition
[en] [The McClane Apocalypse 04] • The McClane Apocalypse Book 4 Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[pt] As Profecias Do Apocalipse E O Livro De Daniel · as Raízes Do Código Da Bíblia Editora Pensamento
[pt] Apocalipse · A Maior Profecia Do Mundo Editora Vida