Found 18 books

[en] Fallen Astronauts · Heroes Who Died Reaching for the Moon Bison Books

Burgess, Colin & Doolan, Kate & Vis, Bert & Cernan, Eugene A.

[en] Apollo 13 Twenty-First Century Books (Tm)

Edge, Laura B.

[en] Praxis Manned Spaceflight Log 1961-2006 Praxis Publications Inc

Furniss, Tim & Shayler, David & Shayler, Michael Derek

[en] The First Soviet Cosmonaut Team · Their Lives and Legacies Praxis Publications Inc

Burgess, Colin & Hall, Rex

[en] Homesteading Space · the Skylab Story University of Nebraska Press

Hitt, David & Garriott, Owen K. & Kerwin, Joe P.

[en] Red Moon Rising Bloomsbury UK

Brzezinski, Matthew