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[en] [Gutenberg 63018] • The Power of Conscience, exemplified in the genuine and extraordinary confession of Thomas Bedworth / delivered to one of the principal officers of Newgate, the night before his execution on September 18, 1815, for the murder of Elizabeth Beesmore in Drury lane. Relating his horrible sufferings until compelled to surrender to public justice by the constant supernatural visitations of the murdered woman, and the frequent appearance of her apparition. From the original paper now in the possession of the publisher. Including interesting particulars of Bedworth's former life, his behaviour before execution, and an original and full report of the Common Serjeant's address on passing sentence. Forgotten Books
Bedworth, Thomas
[en] The Science of Influence Hachette Books
Hogan, Kevin
[en] [Gutenberg 39248] • Nuova; or, The New Bee Library of Alexandria
Kellogg, Vernon L.