Found 210 books

[en] Breach Breach

[hu] Elkapni a Jegest Könyvmolyképző Kiadó

Bruno, Anthony

[en] The Apocalypse Strain Flame Tree Press

[it] Nato Nella Paura il Saggiatore

Ligotti, Thomas

[en] The Mammoth Book of Jack the Ripper Robinson Publishing

Jakubowski, Maxim & Braund, Nathan

[en] True Indie St. Martin's Press

Coscarelli, Don

[en] The Road Out of Hell Diversion Books

Flacco, Anthony

[en] What Is the Story of Dracula? Penguin Workshop

David Malan & Burgan, Michael & HQ, Who

[en] The Haunting of Alma Fielding Bloomsbury Publishing

Summerscale, Kate

[en] Sister of Darkness Dey Street Books