[en] [Gutenberg 52362] • A History of Booksellers, the Old and the New London : Chatto and Windus
[en] Great Disasters in Australian History Allen & Unwin
[en] The Great Warming Bloomsbury USA
[en] The White Horse King · The Life of Alfred the Great Thomas Nelson
[en] [A Short History of Asia 01] • A Short History of Cambodia Allen Unwin
[en] [The History of Rome 01] • The History of Rome, Books 1-5 Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.
[en] [Write Great Fiction 01] • Write Great Fiction · Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint Writer's Digest Books
[en] The Invention of Capitalism · Classical Political Economy and the Secret History of Primitive Accumulation Duke University Press Books
[en] The Great Turning Berrett-Koehler Publishers
[eng] Great Cape o' Colors--Capa de colores (English-Spanish with pronunciation guide) Karl Beckstrand
[en] Great Anzac Stories Allen Unwin
[en] Alexander the Great Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.
[en] A Short History of the World Crux Publishing
[en] Iron Age Communities in Britain Routledge
[en] A Secret History of Coffee, Coca & Cola Akashic Books
[en] A Student of History Akashic Books
[en] The Basque History of the World Walker Books Ltd
[en] Think Biblically! (Trade Paper) Crossway Books