[en] [Gutenberg 60518] • Military Architecture in England During the Middle Ages Forgotten Books
[en] Haunted England Mary Devey
[en] Haunted Castles of England Llewellyn Publications
[en] Folville's Law (I) David Pilling
[en] Guardian of E.T. Smashwords Edition
[en] [Dossier 06] • Improper Proposal Entangled Publishing, LLC (Scorched)
[en] Lady gwendolyn Black Wolf Books, Inc.
[en] [Medieval Herb Garden 02] • Sanctuary of Roses Colleen Gleason Inc.
[en] [Midsummer Knights 06] • An Outlaw's Honor Luckenbooth Press
[en] The Baron's Bride Marina Oliver
[en] Never If Not Now Barrowburgh Publishing
[en] [Gutenberg 3258] • A Laodicean : A Story of To-day J. M. Dent and Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc.
[en] [Highland Isles 02] • The Rogue of Islay Isle Entangled Publishing, Scandalous
[en] Tabor's Trinket Janet Lane
[en] Emerald Silk Janet Lane
[en] [Osprey Fortress 64] • The Castles of Edward I in Wales 1277-1307 Osprey Publishing