Found 262 books

[en] The Reflection Chamber InnovateLit Press

Harrow, Adrian L.

[en] Creepy and Scary Tales Reuben Shupp

[en] The Edge of Seventeen Alexandra Sokoloff

Alexandra Sokoloff

[en] Blood Up North Vine Leaves Press

Fredrick Soukup

[en] Cold White Fury Beth Amos

[en] What My Soul Does When I Am Asleep Fiction for the Soul

Stephen Simpson

[en] Little Monsters Fledgling Press

Philip Caveney

[de] Die Professorin dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS

Matthias Ernst

[en] BJ's Story S.A. Austin

[en] The Haunting of Jessop Rise Andersen Digital

[en] The Poacher's Moon Penguin Random House South Africa

Peirce, Richard

[en] Fragments Smashwords Edition

Gallagher, Morgan

[nl] Jack De Gate Smashwords, Inc.

Bronkhorst, David

[en] Don't Fear the Reaper Novel Concept Publishing

Houle, William F. & Taylor, J.E.

[en] Love From the Other Side Plaisted Publishing

Plaisted, Claire & Lynch, Kyrena & Lynes, Michael & Risdon, Jane & Hansen, Karen & Moss, Rianne & MCATEER, DAN & Keith, C.A. & Clancy, Donna Walo & Silva, Pamela Joyce & Chopping, Cathy-Lee & Mullican, Lynn & Horton-Newton, Elizabeth & Reitsma, Mara

[en] Dead Girl Beach Damnation Books, LLC

Sullivan, Mike