[en] [Extraordinary Voyages series 02] • The Adventures of Captain Hatteras Auk Academic
[en] [Sherlock Holmes 03] • Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Scholastic Inc.
[en] The Adventure of the Priory School Wildside Press
[en] The Adventure of the Three Students Wildside Press
[en] The Literary Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Volume One Andrews UK
[en] The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter One Voice Recordings
[en] The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor Jimcin Recordings
[en] The Adventure of the Speckled Band Independently Published
[en] [Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 01] • Through the Looking Glass Wordsworth Editions Limited
[en] The Adventure of the Speckled Band Oxford University Press
[en] Moonrise: The Golden Age of Lunar Adventures British Library Publishing
[en] Moonrise: The Golden Age of Lunar Adventures (British Library Science Fiction Classics) British Library Publishing
[en] The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist One Voice Recordings
[en] [Graphic Universe 08] • The Adventure at the Copper Beeches Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter Classic Books
[en] The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual Classic Books
[en] The Adventure of the Stockbroker's Clerk Classic Books