[pt] A Conspiração (JC) Bertrand
[pt] A Conspiração Bertrand
[de] Der Nachtflüsterer dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Die Professorin dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Das Erbe von Pollard Creek dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] [Resurrection Chronicles 01] • The Lazarus Mysteries · Omnibus Collection Books by Ken Fry
[en] The Haunted Mansion Project · Year Two Damnation Books, LLC
[en] Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons Llewellyn Publications
[en] The Paris Collaborator Echo Publishing
[de] Don Cavelli und das Sizilianische Gebet: Die vierte Mission (German Edition) dotbooks Verlag
[de] Don Cavelli und der tote Kardinal: Die erste Mission dotbooks GmbH
[de] Don Cavelli und der letzte Papst: Die zweite Mission dotbooks Verlag
[de] Don Cavelli und die Hand Gottes: Die dritte Mission dotbooks Verlag
[en] [Waters of Destiny 01] • Assassins - Ian Watson & Andy West Palabarista Press
[en] [Ghost Targets 01] • Surveillance (Ghost Targets Book 1) Consortium Books
[en] [WATT 01] • Jesus Was a Time Traveler Orion's Comet
[en] Secrets of the Code · the Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind the Da Vinci Code CDS Books in association with Squibnocket Partners LLC