[fr] Discours sur l'origne & les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes · Wentworth Press
[en] Tying the Knot Twenty-First Century Books (Tm)
[en] Bits to Bitcoin, How Our Digital Stuff Works MIT Press
[en] Injustice Why Social Inequality Persists The Policy Press
[fr] Les Iroquois Et Le Rêve Chamanique Destiny Books
[en] An Old Babylonian Version of the Gilgamesh Epic Book Tree
[en] Queen Victoria Sheba Blake Publishing
[es] En defensa de Dios ePubLibre
[pt] Clarividência (Ilustrado) Livraria Clássica
[pt] Auxiliares Invisíveis Editora Pensamento
[es] Sana Tu Cuerpo Hay House
[en] The Little Money Bible Hay House