[en] Stormriders' Lair · A Gina Starbreeze Erotic Adventure I.V. D'ath
[en] [The Mandrake Company 5.50] • Romancing the Alpha · an Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set Beaverstone Press LLC
[en] The Voyeur Diaries - 30 True Erotic Adventures by Those Who Love to Watch! Michael Flaherty, via Smashwords
[en] The Unwholesome Adventures of Harita Total-E-Bound
[en] [Me, You, and Us 01] • Adventurous Me Celtic Muse Publishing, LLC
[en] [The Adventures of Gil Graham & Mike Smith 04] • Boys of the Fast Lane Bruno Gmuender GMBH
[en] [Sir and Babygirl 01] • The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl Kayla Lords
[en] [The Adventures of Gil Graham & Mike Smith 03] • Boys of Two Cities Bruno Gmuender GMBH
[en] [Virgin Billionaire 06] • The Virgin Billionaire's Sexcellent Adventure Ravenous Romance
[en] The Erotic Adventures of Candide David Bruce