[en] The Blacksmith's Daughter Allan Cole
[en] Call of the King TJ Green
[en] The Silver Tower Mount0live Publishing
[eng] Arthur the King AD517 Aenghus Chisholme
[en] [The Shards of Excalibur 04] • Cave Beneath the Sea Coteau Books
[en] [The Silurian 01] • The Silurian Book One the Fox and the Bear TwoRiders Productions
[en] Veneficus · Stones of the Chosen Andrews UK
[en] The First Technomancer Smashwords Edition
[en] [Lost Camelot Trilogy 02] • Guinevere Unconquered M.L. Bullock
[en] Merlin's Daughters Meredith Rae Morgan
[en] [Merlin's Thread 01] • Merlin's Knot Penger Press
[en] [The Floating Outfit 02] • .44 Caliber Man Berkley