[it] La notte della svastica Sellerio
[it] [Urania 300] • Il grande contagio Mondadori
[en] The God Spear Forest Path Books, LLC
[en] Girls' Night Out J.S. Mawdsley
[en] Reign of the Eagle J.S. Mawdsley
[en] Gilding the Lily J.S. Mawdsley
[en] The Web in the Palace J.S. Mawdsley
[en] The Night Nothing Happened J.S. Mawdsley
[en] A Fine Distinction J.S. Mawdsley
[en] The Romance of the Viscount J.S. Mawdsley
[en] The Consolation Prize J.S. Mawdsley
[en] The Art of the Future J.S. Mawdsley
[en] Every Count Votes J.S. Mawdsley
[en] A Fatal Humor J.S. Mawdsley
[en] Called to Account J.S. Mawdsley
[en] [Treason and Truth 03] • Trapped Pennod Press
[en] [Treason and Truth 01] • Treason Pennod Press
[en] In the Cards Torchflame Books
[en] The Songs of Sorrow Gentle Toad Press