[en] Holly Lisle's Create a World Clinic (WORLDBUILDING SERIES) Holly Lisle - OneMoreWord Books
[en] [Dione's War 01] • End of Order J.J. Mainor
[en] Beyond the Bloodline the Empty Throne HPH Publishing
[en] [Broken Lands 01] • Rise of the Reaper Ravensforge Books
[en] The Will to Battle: Book 3 of Terra Ignota Tor Books
[en] Grimdark Magazine Issue #10 Grimdark Magazine
[en] Abbott in Darkness Baen
[en] Target Rich Environment, Volume 2 Baen
[en] The Body Scout · A Novel Orbit
[en] The Godel Operation Baen
[en] [Foundation (Publication Order) 01] • Foundation Spectra
[en] [Diving Universe 04] • Diving Universe 04 · Skirmishes WMG Publishing
[en] [Alaia Chronicles 01] • The Source of Magic · A Fantasy Romance Smashwords Edition
[en] [Legacy of the Mercenary Kings Serie 02] • The Two-Faced Queen Gallery / Saga Press
[en] Broken Circle Black Sheep
[en] Catalyst Gate Orbit
[en] The Best of Jerry Pournelle Baen