[en] Cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain Revolution, Bitcoin and Beyond Lerner Publishing Group
[en] Pray What God Says Christine\Martin
[en] Seed Faith 2000
[en] Obedience in Finances Faith Library Publications
[en] Live Your Life for Half the Price Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] When You Have to Go to Prison Atlantic Publishing Group (FL)
[en] [The Heart of a Duke 12] • One Winter With a Baron (The Heart of a Duke #12) Christi Caldwell Ink.
[fr] La Domination Du Monde Julliard
[en] Giving and Receiving Kenneth Copeland Publications
[en] The Laws of Prosperity Kenneth Copeland Publications
[en] Managing God's Mutual Funds Kenneth Copeland Publications
[en] Prosperity · the Choice Is Yours Kenneth Copeland Ministries
[en] Mastering Finance · the Complete Finance Companion FT Press
[en] Silver's Spells for Abundance Llewellyn Publications
[en] Walking in Divine Favor Jerry Savelle Ministries
[en] Increase God's Way Jerry Savelle Ministries International
[en] Living to Give Harrison House
[en] Don't Let Go of Your Dreams Fountain of Youth/Jerry Savelle Ministries
[en] Are You Tired of Sowing Much & Reaping Little? Harrison House Inc