[en] [Osprey Elite 06] • French Foreign Legion Paratroops Osprey Publishing
[en] The Fifth Foreign Legion Omnibus Smashwords Edition
[en] [America's Galactic Foreign Legion 05] • Insurgency Penumbra Publishing
[en] Cohort of the Damned WordFire Press
[en] [Beau Geste 02] • Beau Geste Lightyear Pr
[en] Eugene Bullard NewSouth Books
[en] [Winemaker Detective 08] • Montmartre Mysteries Le French Book
[en] Honor and Fidelity WordFire Press
[en] Swedes at War · Willing Warriors of a Neutral Nation, 1914–1945 The Aberjona Press
[en] Fragrant Haven Fragrant Books
[en] [Balada: A Symphony of Eternity 01] • The First Four Stanzas, of The Call That Summons The Reapers of Ragnarok Amazon Digital Services
[en] Australian Ripping Yarns 2 Five Mile Press
[pt] [A Cotten Stone Mystery 04] • As Profecias Do Apocalipse E O Livro De Daniel Editora Pensamento
[pt] [A Cotten Stone Mystery 02] • O Último Segredo Editora Pensamento
[it] [Autobiography 04] • Il Freddo · Una Segregazione Adelphi
[it] L'Uomo Che Amava Troppo Le Donne Bompiani
[it] [Invader 03] • I Conquistatori 3. Il Richiamo Della Spada Newton Compton editori