[en] To Die for Honor Moriona Press
[en] [A Go Novel 00] • Go Novels Boxset Moriona Press
[en] [Forbidden Series 05] • Forbidden Bond Moriona Press
[en] Nothing to This Prequel Moriona Press
[en] The Cockroach Crusade EDGE-Lite
[en] Fantastic Trains EDGE-Lite
[en] [The Milky Way Repo 02] • Bad Rock Beat Down EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, Inc.
[en] The Cockroach Crusade EDGE-Lite
[en] The Genome Rally EDGE-Lite
[en] The Identity Shift EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
[en] Fantastic Trains EDGE-Lite
[pt] É Agora ... Ou Nunca Bertrand Brasil
[en] Shadow Life EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, Inc.
[en] You Hold The Key To My Heart. Graham Cox
[en] Yesterday's Savior EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing, Inc.
[pt] [Millennium 01] • Os Homens Que Não Amavam as Mulheres Companhia das Letras
[pt] As Melhores Historias da Mitologia Nórdica Artes e Ofícios
[en] [The MIT Press Essential Knowledge 01] • The Book The MIT Press