[en] [Gutenberg 41303] • A Ladder of Swords: A Tale of Love, Laughter and Tears Harper & Brothers Publishers
[en] [Gutenberg 6253] • Michel and Angele [A Ladder of Swords] — Complete Echo Library
[en] [Gutenberg 59873] • The Sword of the King Wentworth Press
[en] Trolleybus Twilight Pen & Sword Transport
[en] A History of Death in 17th Century England Pen & Sword Books
[en] Suffragette Fascists Pen and Sword History
[en] Living in Medieval England Pen & Sword Books
[en] Secrets and Scandals in Regency Britain Pen and Sword
[en] [Your Towns and Cities in the Great War 01] • Doncaster in the Great War Pen and Sword Military
[en] British Concentration Camps Pen and Sword History
[en] The Ingenious Victorians Pen and Sword History
[en] The Suffragette Bombers Pen & Sword Books
[en] Britain's Rise to Global Superpower in the Age of Napoleon Pen & Sword Books Limited
[en] Royal Seals Pen and Sword History
[en] A Hidden History of the Tower of London Pen & Sword Books Limited
[en] [Your Towns and Cities in the Great War 01] • Hove and Portslade in the Great War Pen & Sword Military