[en] Charge of Cowardice aka Ogilvie's Act of Cowardice Endeavour Press
[en] By Command of the Viceroy aka Ogilvie's Royal Command Endeavour Press
[en] The Restless Frontier aka Ogilvie and the Memsahib Endeavour Press
[en] Cunningham's Revenge aka Ogilvie's Dangerous Mission Endeavour Press
[en] A Matter for the Regiment aka Ogilvie and the Uprising Endeavour Press
[en] Wolf in the Fold aka Ogilvie and the Traitor Endeavour Press
[en] [James Ogilvie 12] • Cunningham's Revenge Aka Ogilvie's Dangerous Mission Endeavour Press
[en] [James Ogilvie 06] • Subaltern's Choice Aka Ogilvie Under Fire Endeavour Press
[en] [James Ogilvie 07] • By Command of the Viceroy Aka Ogilvie's Royal Command Endeavour Press
[en] [James Ogilvie 11] • The Restless Frontier Aka Ogilvie and the Memsahib Endeavour Press
[en] [James Ogilvie 10] • Charge of Cowardice Aka Ogilvie's Act of Cowardice Endeavour Media
[en] [James Ogilvie 09] • Wolf in the Fold Aka Ogilvie and the Traitor Endeavour Press
[en] [James Ogilvie 13] • The Wealth of Nations Endeavour Press
[en] [Inspector Sam Blackstone 01] • Blackstone and the Rendezvous With Death CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] [Inspector Blackstone 02] • Blackstone and the Great Game Endeavour Press
[en] [Inspector Blackstone 04] • Blackstone and the Burning Secret Endeavour Press
[en] My Eyes Looking Back at Me · Insight Into a Survivor's Soul 1 to 1 Publishers
[de] [Gutenberg 61299] • Rabeh und das Tschadseegebiet Wentworth Press