Found 34 books

[en] The London Revolution 1640-1643 The Mad Duck Coalition

Michael Sturza

[en] A German Barber-Surgeon in the Atlantic Slave Trade, The Seventeenth- Century Journal of Johann Peter Oettinger University of Virginia Press

Johann Peter Oettinger & Roberto Zaugg & Georg Anton Oettinger

[en] The Suffragette Bombers Pen & Sword Books

[en] The Victorian Guide to Sex Pen & Sword Books Ltd

[en] Cold War Resistance Potomac Books

[en] Great Tales From English History, Book 3 Little, Brown and Company

[en] Scotland The Overlook Press

Goring, Rosemary

[en] Vexed With Devils New York University Press

[en] What's Tha Up to This Time? Wharncliffe

Johnson, Martyn

[en] Life in the Victorian Kitchen Pen & Sword History