[en] Monty and Rommel · Parallel Lives The Overlook Press
[en] The Secret Code-Breakers of Central Bureau Scribe Publications
[en] Forgotten Anzacs · the Campaign in Greece, 1941 Scribe UK
[en] Hell's Battlefield Allen & Unwin
[en] Hitler - Personal Recollections Pen and Sword
[en] Guarding Hitler - The Secret World of the Fuhrer Naval Institute Press
[en] Churchill's War Lab Abrams
[en] Hitler's Alpine Headquarters Pen & Sword Military
[en] The Tunnel FONTANA
[en] Belgium in the Second World War Pen & Sword Military
[en] [Images of War 01] • British Tanks · the Second World War Pen & Sword Military
[en] A Guide to War Publications of the First & Second World War · From Training Guides Yo Propaganda Posters Pen & Sword Military
[en] Hitler's Paratrooper Frontline Books
[en] Letters From Verdun Casemate Publishers and Book Distributors
[en] [Canadian Battle 04] • The Juno Beach Trilogy Douglas McIntyre
[en] The Hunt for Jimmie Browne Potomac Books