[en] Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg Savas Beatie
[en] The Library of Congress Illustrated Timeline of the Civil War Little, Brown and Company
[en] Plenty of Blame to Go Around Savas Beatie
[en] Rashness of That Hour Savas Beatie
[en] LIFE Lincoln · an Intimate Portrait Life
[en] Flames Beyond Gettysburg Savas Beatie
[en] The Fights on the Little Horn Companion Casemate
[en] Those Damned Black Hats Savas Beatie
[en] “I Would Still Be Drowned in Tears” Vanderblumen Publications
[en] The Gettysburg Cyclorama · the Turning Point of the Civil War on Canvas Savas Beatie LLC
[en] The Great Stain · Witnessing American Slavery The Overlook Press
[en] TIME-LIFE the Civil War · On the Front Lines Time-Life
[en] Defining Moments Thunder Bay Press
[en] Heroes of the Santa Fe Trail Boson Books
[en] The War Criminal's Son Potomac Books
[en] We Is Got Him The Overlook Press
[en] New Civil War Handbook Savas Beatie
[en] Sickles at Gettysburg Savas Beatie
[en] Maps of Gettysburg Savas Beatie