[cs] Z dějin české každodennosti · Život v 19. století Karolinum
[en] Frigates, Sloops and Brigs Pen and Sword
[en] Empire and Espionage Pen & Sword Military
[en] The Workhouse Pen & Sword Books
[en] Russian Officer Corps of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars Savas Beatie
[en] Surrender at New Orleans Pen & Sword Military
[en] Napoleon and Doctor Verling on St Helena Pen & Sword Books
[en] The Cult of the Modern University of Nebraska Press
[en] Mastering the Marketplace University of Nebraska Press
[en] No Surrender in Burma Pen and Sword Military
[en] British Battles of the Crimean Wars 1854-1856 Pen & Sword Books
[en] Voices From the Past Pen & Sword
[en] Prelude to Waterloo Pen & Sword Military
[en] Letters From the Light Brigade Pen & Sword Books
[en] The Road to Canada Goose Lane Editions
[en] Turning Back the Fenians Goose Lane Editions
[en] Inglorious Empire Scribe Publications
[en] Pirate Hunter · The Life of Captain Woodes Rogers Pen & Sword Books