[es] El Libro de Historias Completas de la Biblia para los pequeños Carmen Betancur
[pt] Maria Madalena Zahar
[es] [Historia del pensamiento 01] • Los Judíos Alianza
[en] [Biblical Fiction 01] • Daughter of Jerusalem · A Novel Worthy Books
[en] Killing a Messiah IVP Academic
[en] [Daughters of the Promised Land 04] • A Passionate Hope · Hannah's Story Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] [A Week in the Life 01] • A Week in the Fall of Jerusalem IVP Academic
[en] [A Week in the Life 01] • A Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman IVP Academic
[en] A Week in the Life of a Slave IVP Academic
[en] Star of Persia · Esther's Story Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] Lamb · The Gospel According to Biff William Morrow / HarperCollins / Harper Perennial
[en] Lamb · the Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal William Morrow / HarperCollins / Harper Perennial
[en] A King to Rule Unknown
[en] A King to Fight Independently published
[en] A King to Die Unknown
[en] A King to Unite Independently published